Logan's Magnetic Personality - Part Two

by Khaki, Loki, and Lovecraft

"That's it. I'm outta here," Logan said, trying to push the Professor's wheelchair out of the doorway. He rolled it out of the restroom, but when he tried to release his grip on the arm rests, he couldn't. "Jeanie, can't you help me with your telekini-stuff?"

Jean overcame her giggles enough to reply, "My powers aren't that strong, yet."

Logan growled and pulled, but his arms wouldn't come away, instead he just dragged the chair closer to him and the wheels attached to his legs.

The trapped look on the professor's face threatened to send the women into another laughing fit, but Logan's deep, frustrated growl cut them off. "I could use a little help."

Jean grabbed Logan around the waist while Ororo and Rogue held onto the professor's chair. They began pulling and tugging, but they couldn't get the Wolverine and the chair far enough apart to break the magnetic pull.

"We need help. I'll call Scott."

"No you won't," Logan protested. Thinking quickly, he added, "His glasses will just come off again. It's too dangerous. Just keep trying."

Eventually, they succeeded in pulling the professor away, but by now, Logan was desperate for relief.

"I've gotta get away from all this metal. I'm going outside."

With the help of the three helplessly giggling women, he made it down the metal hallway and into the elevator. Pulling and dragging his body away from the metal walls of the lift, Logan finally made it into the ornate main hallway of the mansion.

Rogue and Ororo hurried ahead of him. Rogue clearing the area of any teenagers, and Ororo moving any metal objects, including the nails holding up all the pictures she could reach. It looked like he'd make it without another unfortunate incident, but steps away from the doorway, he heard the alarmed meow and the scratching noises of claws on wood.

"Fluffy," Jean said, as the cat slid down the hall and its metal collar attached itself to Logan's leg. The cat protested its capture, clawing and scratching at the offending leg. Logan was beyond caring. He was getting outside, even if it killed him.

Reaching for the door, he pulled it open only to find that his right hand was still attached to the door knob. With a *snikt* he released the claws on his left hand and cut the knob free.

Jean watched as he almost ran across the lawn into the woods, not even trying to hide his desperate hurry. The white furball on his leg scratching and spitting all the way.


Finally, Logan felt better. He still had a spitting cat furiously scratching at his leg, but at least now he was relieved. The woods were a good place to stay for him. Just a few nails came out of the trees. People had the bad habit of nailing all kind of things to trees. A grin crossed Logan's face as he thought that he was rather lucky this forest wasn't a maple syrup one, with all these thingies for the sap... and the buckets...

Inside the Mansion, Jean waited for Logan to come back so she could run some tests.

~{Logan, come back in.~

Reluctancly, and since he really wanted to get back to normal, he walked back towards the lawn. The cat still attached to his now bloodied leg.

Just as he was about to cross the driveway, a teenager rolled by. Since her rollerblades were, in parts, metallic, her motion got diverted by Logan's magnetism.

Filled with horror... and jealousy... Rogue withnessed the scene before her. Jubilee first rolled by Logan, then came to a stop before she got attracted by his magnetism and rolled back to him.


Back on the driveway, Jubilee didn't know what was happening. She slowly rolled towards Logan, that weird guy. What was it with him, now?

"Hey mister, I dunno what ye're doing, but stop it." she warned.

Logan didn't bother to explain the situation to her. He just kept walking to the mansion, Jubilee on his heels — literally.

"And why d'you have, like, Fluffy on yer leg? Found an unknown relative of yers?"

Jubilee realized that she was now experiencing something way weird. She couldn't resist it; she had to make it stop.

"Stop!" she shouted. Which he did. Nothing changed, she still kept rolling to him, now only a bare foot length away.


"What are they doing?" asked a worried Rogue.

"Probably the metal in her rollerblades." explained Storm.

"Let's get him inside, girls." proposed Jean Grey.


Logan turned to face the teenager. What was her name? Jub... Jujube... Jubi...?

"Look, kid. I..." he started to say.

Jubilee couldn't resist him anymore. She just couldn't. She had to do it, and now.

She jumped in his arms, her own arms around his neck, her face against his head. Oh... It felt soooooooooo better. She would never move again.


"Jubilation Lee!"

"I thought you were my friend..."

But Jubilee would not even turn to look at them.

Now, Logan was very close to getting into one of his legendary — although not yet legendary to the X-Men — berserker modes. First he had a cat stuck to his shredded leg, now he had a teenager hugging him so hard he could barely breathe. Even less has resulted in a berserk reaction.

Jean Grey stood sternly besides the couple, staring at them.

"Is there something we should know?" she asked coldly.

"I am the one who should know! Gee, do something!"

"Like what, leave the both of you alone?" inquired Ororo. Above them, the sky had turned a menacingly dark color.

"Yeah, right, OKAY. Just... Just..."

"Just what, Jubilee?"

"My earrings... They are killing me!!!"


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