Logan's Magnetic Personality - Part Four

by Khaki, Loki, and Lovecraft

Logan looked around, with a slow, deliberate turning of his head. His face held an expression that wasn't taken lightly by anyone with good sense. It shouted of restrained rage. Jubilee had good sense, maybe more than anyone at the moment, and the camera in her hand brought her to the realization that she had committed a sin in Logan's eyes.

Speaking of his eyes, oops, they had just stopped on her. That meant trouble. Big trouble. *I am so dead* she thought. Better say something quick.

"I got the picture you wanted me to take, Mr. Summers." It did the trick. Logan turned to Scott. Jubilee, not wasting a second, removed the film from the camera and hid it in her pocket.

'Naw,' thought Logan. 'I'll kill him later. Besides, Jean's here.' So Logan turned his eyes back to Jubes, staring at her hands holding tight to the camera.

"Gimme that," he growled lowly.

"What? Oh... that! Here, help yourself," she handed it to him, but of course, as soon as he tried to take it, it flew away from his reach, far away on the grass.


"You think we should help him catch it?" asked Ororo for the fifth time in the last two hours. She felt quite responsible for the way things had turned out.

"Naw, by the time he exhausts himself, he'll be easier to deal with." replied Jean. She handed another magazine to Ororo. "Read that one, it's good."

"I've already read it twice, Jean."




"Jubilee, you've asked me at least 10 times in the last minute. I told you…"

"Yeah right, Mister Summers. Where did you learn to develop photographs anyway? You know, they do that in 10 minutes in photo labs..."



Gasp. Swear. Gasp.

Gasp. Swear. Sweat.

Logan stubbornly tried once again to grab the %#%# camera which held a photograph of him making of fool of himself.

After the two hour struggle, he still hadn't reached it. But his mind raced as well. By now, he was sure Scott Summers had planned it all. He would pay for it, oh… that very idea made Logan run faster… and miss the camera once again.

Great, the lake. That was it. Just make that ?#$@ camera end up in water, then there would be no more worries about the photograph.

Once the camera had dutifully found the bottom of the lake, Logan slowly walked back towards the mansion.

Cyclops was on the porch with Jub-whatever by his side. Seated nearby were Jean and Lightning-Ro, reading. From a distance, he saw Scott showing something to the seated women. They burst into laughter. The picture! Somehow, they had salvaged it!

Logan fumed. That was it. He had to pay back that pansy guy.

As casually as he could, he made his way towards the garage. "Hey, Scott. I think I'll have a look at yer new bike."


Before Logan made it to the garage, intending to "play" just a little bit with Scott's bike, the professor reached into his mind.

~Logan, from the last experience, I think we found the exact way to fix the problem.~

~Grrrr. If that implies more lightning…~

~Not at all. Please come into the science lab.~

Logan's walk to the science lab had indeed been less hazardous than the one from the med lab, when his body was attracting metal. Although no one could come near him now if they had any metal on them, which meant Scott had to keep at a very safe distance. That suited Logan just fine.

The lab, though, was another matter. As soon as he entered the spacious room, all the metal objects flew away from him. The professor had foreseen that effect and had safely rolled against the far wall. One crash in a day was sufficient for him.

Everyone — Jean. Ororo, Jubilee, Rogue — entered and scattered around. Scott was literally forced to stay by the door frame. But to Logan's dismay, the door on the back of the room opened and gave way to a bunch of teens.

"What the hell?" growled Logan.

"This will be a very good opportunity for the students to learn some principles of physics. Magnetism is a very powerful force of nature..." started Xavier.

"Gee, tell me about it..." whispered Rogue.

"Damnit it, Chuck. What's the plan?" groaned the Wolverine.

"Our first experiement, using the full force of electricity..." continued the professor.

"I'm very sorry about that, Logan." whispered Ororo.

"Proved that the full force of it only reversed the process. While Logan here was attracting metallic objects, the use of a too powerful electrical force made the object..."



The professor stared at the claws that had popped from Logan's hands. A chorus of frightened and appreciative gasps filled the room. Logan had already forgot the students, and they had just made the mistake of reminding him of their presence.

"You've got 3 seconds." growled Wolverine between clenched teeth.

"So, we'll skip the explanations if you will" the professor proceedly quickly as the bald reflection of his face in the shiny claws reminded him of their closeness.

"You see that big round ball there, Logan. If you will put your hands on it." Xavier instructed.

"What if I do?" asked Logan suspiciously.

"We will apply a very mild, and controlled..."

"Hmph," muttered Storm.

"Electrical force. Since the full force totally reversed the process, a very gentle one will only equilibrate it."

"All right, enough with the physics." Logan put his hands on the said metal ball. Well, he had to grab it first, but finally succeeded without crushing it. "Go for it." he ordered.

"There's only one problem..."

"WHAT NOW?!" shouted Logan, at the edge of going completly berserk.

"Er... could you get them back in?" Xavier pointed at Logan's claws. "It could cause electrical archs, and I'm sure it would be very painful, not to mention side effects produced by the..."



Xavier pushed a button on the apparatus. At first, Logan didn't feel anything, then it started tickling. Tiny sparks jumped on his hands, but there was no pain.

"Hey, I could have, like, made the sparks. I even can make bigger ones..."

"Not now, Jubilee." ordered Jean, mesmerized by the scene before her.

Logan kept holding the ball. He didn't want to let go of it before the process was done and he was returned to normal. It really started to tickle, though. He felt a laugh building within him, and he couldn't refrain a grin.

The apparatus was noisy enough that he couldn't hear the professor talking. The heck with it anyway, the old man would know when to stop it. As long as it didn't hurt like that flamin' lightning...

The professor finally pushed the button and the metal ball stopped buzzing. Logan tested his hands on the ball, they were neither attracted nor repeled. He was cured!!!

That's when he heard the laughter. The whole room was a thunder of laughter. Looking behind him, he saw the X-women literally rolling on the floor, holding their stomaches. In the back of the classroom, many teenagers were crying from laughter, a few already on the floor, laughing their guts out.

Even his scariest glare and growl didn't stop them.

Logan turned menacingly to the professor. From the look of it, if not for the wheelchair supporting him, he would be rolling on the floor as well.

"It... seems... *laugh* ... sorry... that you are... cured... *LAUGH*" managed to say the professor.

Logan had two choices: kill them all or walk away. Despite his desires, he walked away and, stepping over the x-women, exited the room.

"Eve'ry one to battle stations!" laughed Scott.


A few minutes later, the whole mansion was shaken to its core by a howl emanating from Wolverine's room.

He had discovered what all that static electricity had done to his glorious, wild hair. He really looked funny with an afro air-cut.


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