Sick as a Wolverine - Part Six

by Khaki, Loki, and Lovecraft

With magazines, TV, and discman in hand, they followed a dry, but still angry, Jean Grey to the next room over. This room was set up with four beds instead of two, had a 25" TV/VCR combo attached to the wall and the bathroom came with a shower/bath.

"You've been holding out on us, Red," Logan said with a sneeze.

"No, actually, some of the younger children were staying in here before. They're probably who you caught the flu from, Logan. As you can see, the younger children left the room in exactly the same condition as they found it. Hopefully, the *older children* can do the same."

"That's not fair," Jubes replied. "You can't blame us for the toilet breaking."

"Yeah," Logan said, with a tired sigh as he discarded his things on the bedside table and stretched out on his new bed. All he felt like doing was sleeping for days. Of course, he'd settle for a few undisturbed hours.

"Hey, y'all," a familiar voice called from the doorway. "Ya switched rooms."

"Hey, Rogue. Yeah, we're moving up in the world."

"Mr. Summers asked me to bring you this stuff."

"Great," Jubilee answered, when she saw the equipment in Rogue's arms. "Hook up the Sega machine to the TV and let's play."

After getting the equipment connected and loading Tomb Raider, Jubes called over to Logan. "Hey, get up. I wanna show you how to play this game."

The only response was a snort and a loud snore.

"Well, I still wanna play. Rogue, can I challenge you to a game."

"Sure, sugah."

Logan tossed about restlessly, trying hard not to slice the damn Sega console in two. He already felt better, and if he could only sleep, he was sure he would be completely over with that flu.

The girls continued to occassionally shout and continually giggle. It was becoming more and more of a challenge to not jump the noisy video game. If at least the gals would watch a good ol' hockey game, that would be acceptable.

But no, they continued to play, and it sounded as if the noise gradually became worse.

Having had enough, and before he could do something harsh, he stood and grabbed his blanket and pillow, walking to the bathroom like a kid with his best friend-blanky.

The girls got distracted and looked at him, puzzled.

"Where you going?" asked Rogue.

"Yeah, like, you're NOT gonna sleep in the bathroom, hey? We might need it, ye know."

"?&%?$*&" came as the only answer as the bathroom door slammed shut. A distinctive *click* announced that the door was locked.

Jubilee shrugged and grinned at Rogue. "I'll beat you!"

And the game resumed.

Finally, after a few feverish seconds, Logan settled in his new makeshift den, in the bath.

Almost at the same instant, a sneezing fit could be heard in the main room; it wasn't Jubilee though.

~Logan! Out of the bathroom!~

Logan jumped as both the voice echoed in his head and the locked door suddenly slammed inward.

Within three minutes, Logan realized two very important details. First, Doctor Jean Grey had broken the bathroom door. Second, Doctor Jean Grey wasn't nearly so gorgeous hunched over a toilet while losing her lunch.

Rogue and Jubilee got up from their place in front of the television and stood in the bathroom's doorway with the hastily moved Logan. Rogue's eyes were wide as she queried, "But Ah thought you got the vaccine?"

Jubilee was slightly more helpful. She went to the sink and filled a glass of water for the still toilet-hugging Jean. "See, that's why I didn' bother with a shot. Those're only fifty-percent accurate, dontcha know. Flu shots are just educated guesses about what might be coming six months in the future."

Jean gurgled her thanks as she took the water.


Logan had returned to the main room and climbed back on his bed. He watched Jean join them a few minutes later from the bathroom.

"So who's gonna take care of us now?" Jubilee asked. "If the flu shot doesn't work, Rogue's the only one that probably won't get sick, and she's no doctor."

"Call... Professor." Jean groaned.

Rogue activated the wall intercom and informed the professor of the situation.

"I'll contact an associate of mine. I'm sure he'd be willing to help. He should arrive within a few hours."

"A few hours," Jubilee whined. "What about lunch?" Now that she was no longer nauseated, she was starving. Jean and Logan just groaned.

"I'll get ya lunch, Jubes," Rogue answered. "What should I get for them?"

"Jean won't want anything, trust me, so ice water'll be fine. Umm, Logan hasn't had much luck with food. Hey, what are those things they feed pregnant women when they're nauseated?"

"Jubes..." Logan warned with a growl/cough.

"Saltines," Rogue answered. "You'll like 'em, sugah. They're dull and boring, and not too heavy. They should work fine."

As Rogue left, Jubilee returned to the Sega game. She got about 30 seconds into it when the plug was telekinetically pulled from the wall. "Hey!"

There were advantages to having a sick telekinetic on your side. Logan smiled and rolled over to finally get some sleep.


He couldn't remember what he'd been dreaming about, but the bright light in his eyes brought him jarringly back to full wakefulness. Snapping his eyes open, he saw a blue-haired giant, leaning over him with a small pen-light. Growling, he rolled off the bed away from the creature, lost his footing, and fell in a heap on the floor. The pain shooting through his skull at the sudden movement, left him clutching his head in agony. He wished at that moment that the blue-haired beast was an enemy attacking the school, just so he could be put out of his misery. No such luck.

"So sorry to startle you. My name is Doctor Henry McCoy. Professor Xavier requested my services while Dr. Grey is indisposed."

Logan tried to groan, but that just made his head hurt worse. It was like someone had put spikes through his skull just to the side of either eye and was twisting them and scrambling his brains. No, it was like he was wearing a steel hat five-sizes too small and the metal was crushing his head in a band from his forehead around. He could feel every beat of his heart reflected in the pounding of his head as someone rhymically tightened and loosed the steel hat. Every movement of his body, every noise, every glimpse of the world around him hurt. He just wanted to stay in a dark room with no sound, never moving for the rest of his life.

Dr. McCoy easily picked Logan up and placed him back on his bed. Logan would probably have been surprised at the strength the Doctor exhibited if he had been paying attention to anything but his own agony. Grabbing the pillow from behind his head, Logan covered his face, rubbing at his forehead, trying to soothe the ache.

"Oh, dear. Given your symptoms and past history, I must conclude that you have what is commonly referred to as a sinus headache."

Logan didn't care what it was called. He just wanted it to go away.

Dr. McCoy returned to his bedside after a minute with a pill and a glass of water. "This decongestant/anti-histamine medication should alleve the worst of your symptoms."

Logan removed the pillow, took the pill, and quickly resumed his position, blocking out the world.


Jubilee was pleasantly surprised that Logan managed to fall asleep and stay asleep for so long. He'd taken the antihistamines and slept the sleep of the honking goose straight through dinner.

Well, to be fair, he had stopped honking somewhere around eleven at night, much to Jubilee's relief and much to Jean's frayed nerve's relief. Jubilee was fairly certain Jean had been two minutes away from telekinetically shoving a- well, let's just say the Great Wolverine had been very close to getting his temperature taken in the unpleasant way.

To Jubilee's further relief, Jean managed to keep down some NyQuil and was now, at just a little after midnight, asleep.

Hank, the fuzzy blue doctor the Professor had sent in, was real fun. He gave her a lollipop (which didn't rebel with her still slightly twitchy stomach) and played Scrabble with her while waiting for 'their' patients to settle in for the night.

Once Jean finally went down, Hank nodded to Jubilee. Jubilee sighed and went to her bed to curl down and get some rest. She'd had a long day and although she was feeling better, she was nowhere near a hundred percent.

Hank smiled as his energetic 'nurse' fell asleep moments after her head hit the pillow.


Jubilee awoke to the sound of someone pathetically retching into the toilet next door. Her empty stomach twitched in sympathy... or hunger. It was too early to figure out the signals her body was sending out.

Logan, in the bed one over, sat up and blinked. 'Heeeey...' He sniffed. Then blinked. He sniffed again, just to make sure. 'I HAVE A NOSE! ...Someone should really close the bathroom door. That smell is nasty.'

Logan hopped out of his bed and stretched, his body feeling great. His healing factor must have kicked back in. Jubilee jumped out next to him and grinned, noticing by how he wasn't hunched over and whimpering that he was feeling better.

The toilet was flushed.

Jubilee went to go see if Jean was okay when she realized that the bed closest to the bathroom was moaning. Jean's red head poked out from beneath her covers and she groaned, sounding for all the world like a bleating goat.

Logan turned to the bathroom in surprise. Rogue, in all her skunk-striped glory, opened the door. She looked a shade only slightly off from the pale-green walls.

Jubilee went to her bed, pulled down the covers, and motioned for Rogue to climb in. Shivering as the cold floor sent frozen vibes up her legs, Rogue moved to the bed, got in, and was firmly tucked down. A box of tissues went right next to her head.

"Me n' Logan'll just go on up to the kitchen and get you n' Dr. Jean some juice, 'kay?" Rogue nodded at Jubilee and sniffled pitifully.

Logan went to the door and held it open for Jubilee, then walked himself out and closed the door.

They had almost made it to the kitchen when they heard Scott Summers ask, in his most chilly of voices, "Would you happen to know how the plumber came to remove cans of Ginger Ale and Coke from the toilet tank in the Med Bay?"


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