Sick as a Wolverine - Part Five

by Khaki, Loki, and Lovecraft

Jean came back to the quarantine to check on her patients and bring sweat pants and shoes to Logan. 'I can't bear to see him half naked anymore,' she thought.

Jubilee had eaten almost all of her oatmeal and a full can of Sprite. Her temperature seemed to be normal, and if not for ther constant sneezing, Jean Grey considered that the teenager could leave the med lab and now rest in her room.

Upon hearing that great news, Jubilee almost jumped out of her bed and started to gather her things.

"What about me?" inquired Logan.

"You have to stay here for now. You still have some fever, and I doubt you can keep your food down." answered Jean.

He growled. He didn't like it a bit. So he stood on his legs and grabbed the sweat pants, pulling them on.

"I'm outta here," he announced.

Jean stood firmly before him. "Oh no you don't. Doctor's orders." she stated.

"Well, tell your *doctor* where to put..." he cut in before he realized the doctor was actually Jean. Old habits...

"Logan... why don't you stop being so..." she started, not sure that the word *childish* could be used with him.

Logan glared at her. For Jean and for Jubilee, watching the exchange from the side of her bed, it was obvious he wouldn't take any opposition. But just as he bent to put his shoes on, his stomach revolted once again. Bad timing for his dignity, very bad timing. Knowing that he couldn't prevent it this time, and having no time to run to the bathroom, he grabbed the plastic pan and dutifully used it.

Jean didn't react and stood still, glaring at him with a I-told-you-so look.

Jubilee turned greenish but her stomach didn't react. She now wanted more than ever to run from this room.

Jean telekinetically offered a glass of water to Logan, whose first instinct had been to shatter it. He reluctancly took it and drank some, then sat back on his mattress.

"Get some rest, and we'll see how you're feeling tomorrow, O.K.?" bargained Jean.

Logan didn't answer, only a shrug of his shoulders conveyed his state of mind. Caged, he felt caged.

"Logan?" insisted Jean. "Are you all right?"

"Leave me alone." he grumbled. In fact, he felt almost defeated. Not by Jean, but his body had obviously let him down. And there was no need to parade around and show it to everyone.

"Hey, Wolveroonie, I'll stay with you, if you want. I mean, gee, we're so well treated here. One bathroom for two, that's more than what I get upstairs with all the girls. But you have to promise to stop snoring!" offered a petulant Jubilee.

As soon as she said it, she kinda regretted it. What had she just said? Volunteer to stay with that grumpy man? Wow.

But as soon as she met his red and feverish eyes, she thought she saw something very unexpected. Was it hope, or gratitude?

"Hey kid. I don't need no pity..." he started.

"Gee, will you listen to you, Macho Man? It's settled." she dropped her belongings on her bed and turned to a rather astonished Jean Grey. "But I need some stuff... I'll make you a list..."


As Jean was finishing Jubilee's list, and Logan had to admit that some of the items definitely had possibilities, Logan's worst nightmare became a reality and Scott Summers entered the room.

After giving Jean a peck on the cheek, he surveyed the wreckage of the room. "Hey, Jubes, Logan. I was sorry to hear you guys were sick. Anything I can do to help?"

"Here, honey," Jean said, handing him the list before Logan could respond. "Could you pick these things up for Jubilee?"

"Sure," Scott said and left.

Logan was stunned. No petty remarks or witty comments about his illness. No jabs or pithy reminders of his vaunted healing factor letting him down. Why wasn't Cyke being a dick? The only conclusion he could draw was that he was a lot sicker than he thought.

"Jeanie, tell me straight. I'm dying aren't I."

Jean looked at him in confusion and then burst out in laughter. "No, Logan, you're not dying. Scott can be nice when he wants to be. C'mon, lie down and relax," she said tucking him in on the mattress. "I'll get you another one of these," she said picking up the plastic pan.

The pan felt unusually heavy in her hands and she dared a peek at its contents. There was a glass jar half full of applesauce that had definitely not come from Logan's stomach.

"What's this? Applesauce?"

She watched as Jubilee and Logan both donned angelic expressions of innocence, or as close as you could get when you were guilty as sin.

"I suppose this has something to do with the popsicles and jello I found in my specimen freezer." She noticed the exchanged glances of the co-conspirators. "Ok, where's the rest of it."

"Oh, c'mon, Dr. Grey," Jubilee spoke up. "It was the middle of the night, and we were hungry. We didn't take anything you shouldn't eat with the flu."

"You're quarantined. That means you don't leave the med lab."

"But we didn't see anyone."

"That doesn't matter. It's the principle of the thing."

"Ok, can we keep the stash, well everything but the applesauce, if we promise not to do it again?"

"I'll think about it."

"T'was a close one, huh, Dr. Grey?" Jubilee suddenly asked.

Jean turned from the counter where she was working and looked at Jubilee, puzzled. "I beg your pardon?"

"Yeah right. Like you wanted Scooty to see you near a half-naked Mister Universe. Good thing you brought the man some clothes. Not that it was that annoying... er... I mean..." Jubilee pretended that she had to sneeze, which would cover her blushing face.

"Jubilee. First, I ask you to not refer to Scott with such nickname..." started Jean, not quite mad.

"Hey! Tarzan here can call him all names he wants... Lemme think..." she cut in. "Scooter, One-Eye..."

"That's enough, Jubilee," warned Jean, although she was a bit curious at the nicknames Logan had for her boyfriend.

"Oh, and most of all, dick." finished Jubilee.

A low growl from the floor by Logan's bed made sure Jubilee stopped. Not that she was impressed by it, but if she had to stay in there, {gee, I voluntered???} she shouldn't piss him off.

Jean shrugged and dismissed that discussion. Before leaving, she went to the bathroom to deal with the used plastic pan. She disappeared in the bathroom. Silence fell on the room.

"Huh... Mister?" Jubes asked.

"*grrrl* What?!"

"I was thinking... I'll never be a doctor. Gee, Dr. Grey having to clean your mess..." She stopped. "Oh my God!" she exclaimed.

"What now?"

"You think she'll have to use the toilet???" she almost yelled.

But too late, a more piercing and indignate scream came out of the bathroom, water already running from under the closed door a few seconds after the toilet had been flushed.

"O.K. We're like, even more than dead now, man." Jubilee blankly stated, looking for an emergency exit.

The bathroom door suddenly opened and a very angry Jean Grey appeared in the room.

"I'm... wet!" Jean Grey was enraged, but managed to sound like nothing more than a petulant child.

Jubilee stifled a giggle.

Logan stifled dirty thoughts.

Jean began turning several shades of red.

With as much dignity as her water-logged form could allow, Jean sloshed her way to the intercom. Each step she made induced an obscene 'splooch' from her sensible -if soaked- tennis shoes. "Professor?"

There was silence for a moment. Logan and Jubilee eyed each other, wondering if the good doctor was ordering an execution.

"Yes, Jean?"

Jean tightened her hand on the pan she was carrying. It bent. "It seems that the bathroom facilities in the Med Bay aren't functioning properly."

There was another moment of silence. "I see. I'll call in a plummer."

Tension radiated from Jean's body and her words sounded forcibly calm. "I suggest moving Mr. Logan and Ms. Lee to different room, where there are functioning bathrooms."

"Of course, Jean. As you see fit. Xavier out."

Jean flipped the intercom off and turned back to her two patients. "I am going to go to my room and change." Jean makes a slight jerking motion to her (more than slightly) damp pants and shoes. "When I come back, this room will be cleaned, and you will be ready to move."

Jean then turned to the door and walked out with as much dignity as her splootching shoes would allow her.

Jubilee and Logan turned to each other, opened their mouths, and began to laugh. They continued to laugh until a coughing fit overtook them and they were forced to relearn how to breathe.


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